Yele Haiti president Hugh Locke declared the organization in "crisis" and resigned in a 2007 memo. Here it is in full.

From: Hugh Locke [E-MAIL REDACTED]
Subject: CONFIDENTIAL - Invitation to Emergency Meeting of Yele Haiti Convened by Wyclef Jean
Date: March 10, 2007 11:49:59 AM EST

Dear Yele Colleagues,

Please treat the following as highly confidential and privileged information that is not to be shared with anyone.

As you may know by now, both Cinthia and I resigned on Thursday. Cinthia's came first when she resigned first as deputy executive director, and I followed shortly after by resigning as executive director of the operation in Haiti (while keeping my rsponsibilities in connection with the overall fundraising, project development and the US activities of Yele Haiti).

Cinthia stated that her reason for resigning as deputy executive director (but not her Board position) was that in "trying to structure Yele Haiti's administration in Haiti I had to face internal barriers which go against my professional ethics."

My reason for resigning is that I have reached the limits of the personal, financial and business sacrifices that both I and my wife April are able to make on behalf of Yele Haiti — all of which were brought into sharp relief by Cinthia's resignation.

Wyclef has asked that an emergency meeting be held in New York on Thursday, March 15th at 3:30 pm for the core administrative, accounting and legal team of Yele Haiti in order to resolve this crisis, as its resolution will determine the future of Yele. To this end the following people from the Haiti operation are invited to attend:

Cinthia and Patrick Thebaud
Pascale Armand
Nathalie Brunet
Venessa Sosa
Fabrice Brutus
Rachel Coupaud

Wyclef is extending this invitation along with having arranged for a private jet to collect everyone in Port-au-Prince and bring you to New York on either Wednesday afternoon or Thursday morning, staying in New York as his guests for either one or two nights, then returning by the same private jet on Friday to Port-au-Prince. More precise details will follow shortly.

Would you please let Wyclef know, by repling to this e-mail, if you are available to join him for this meeting.

While this crisis is obviously very significant, there are certain things that need to proceed on an interem basis in Haiti without signalling to those beyond those receiving this e-mail that we are in this situation. So at least until the conclusion of Thursday's meeting, the following activities will continue as planned

- negotiations with CHF and the resulting MOU will be conducted by Hugh
- the funding agreement with Voila will continue to be negotiated by Bernard and Hugh
- Gwynne will continue to prepare the draft report of 2006 activities sponsored by Voila
- Pascale will follow up with the Canadian government representatives, but delay their visit until at least the week of March 19
- Pascale and Hugh will oversee minimum activities on Yele Cuisine with Danel George, but the project will now be slightly delayed
- Hugh will follow up with Fonkoze as the micro-banking for Yele Cuisine in order not to lose their interest
- the next food distribution will be overseen by Nathalie (today in Lasserre and on Monday in Bel Air and a second location)
- the arrangements for the Inter-American Development Bank visit will be made by Hugh and Pascale (and Cinthia if available)
- the draft letter to the World Bank will be sent by Hugh to Jean Max Bellerive, Minister of Planning and External Cooperation
- work will continue on the outstanding bookkeeping and accounting issues (Pascale, Venessa, April and Fabrice)
- outstanding items for legal reporting in Haiti will be worked on by Hugh, Sarah, Gwynne and Suzie
- Hugh and April will work to conclude terms with Fabrice regarding accounting
- Wyclef will proceed with testimony to the Congressional Subcommittee in Washington, DC on Tuesday

And again, you are asked to keep this communication COMPLETELY PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL.



HUGH LOCKE, partner and co-founder
Orsa Consultants managing the projects of Yéle Haiti
USA: 914 944-xxxx / cell: 917 859 xxxx
HAITI: cell: 509 457 xxxx