The bulk of commercial property of gay summer resort Fire Island Pines is in the process of being bought by an unknown twentysomething hedge funder. Here's what we've dug up on the new King of Gay Paradise.

Seth Jordan Weissman is an analyst at hedge fund Perry Capital who lives in Gramercy Park. He's a University of Pennsylvania grad who used to work at Goldman Sachs. Public records lists his age as 26, but sometimes these things are wrong. His New York City apartment was purchased in April 2008 for about $1.1 million, so we know he has some scratch, but most of that is on a mortgage. He gave between $1200 and $2499 to the Victory Fund, an organization that tries to get gay people elected to public office, and has made small contributions to other local political candidates. He is from Rye Brook, New York, and his father (we think) is a cardiologist.

What we're hearing is that he purchased Pines Commecial Properties — which entails most of the properties surrounding the harbor in the Pines including dance club Pavillion, the restaurant/bar Blue Whale, Hotel Ciel (aka The Botel), clothing store Index, the Fresh Market, and a small gym and pool — from Eric von Kuersteiner and Tony Roncalli to the tune of $18 million.

As for all your shallow questions, yeah, he's pretty cute and his voice sounds nice and butch on his voicemail, which is as far as we've gotten, since he won't return our calls. Meanwhile, the rumors are flying: the deal went through, he's waiting for financing, he's got backers, his family are bigshots in the Hamptons, he's changing everything, he's not changing a thing, this is great, this is horrible, blah, blah, blah. We'll let you know what's true when we have it.

Meanwhile, we know you girls love to dish, and this is a small gay town. If you've got any info on Mr. Weissman please let us know.

[Image via Guest of a Guest]