She should get a trophy for finding the limo she left her bag of coke in. Also award-worthy are a mooching husband and a star with a freaky fetish. We'd like to thank the academy for these blind items.

1. "This B list actress from an NBC drama was at the Golden Globes on Sunday. It turns out she had forgotten her little bag of white powder in the limo. So there she was after the show started wandering around on her phone trying to find her limo. When someone tried to help her all she could remember was her driver had an accent. Out in the rain with an umbrella, getting splashed she spent 30 minutes looking before having success." [CDaN]

2. "This star has a husband who doesn't bring in hardly any income and is fine living off his rich celebrity bride. He told his friends he has married the golden meal ticket and has gotten into the habit of having his buddies over at her expense. The men will sit around and play video games all day, drink, dabble in drugs, and watch sports. The buddies have even been treated to several trips to the strip club from the money this actress has pulled in. The hubby apparently has no regard for his wife or her feelings and now gets angry if she tells him to send his friends home. This star is so fed up with her mooch of a husband that she is having a lawyer look into her finances to see what her options are. Because they have a child/children she doesn't want a divorce, but she wants to separate their finances completely and cut him off. Can you blame her? Not Jessica Alba." [BuzzFoto]

3. "Which star has a secret fetish for women with freakishly big feet? He even sends his girlfriend away on shopping sprees while he beds the large-footed beauties." [UK Mirror]