Religion Writer: 'F—k Off'
In your soaking Monday media column: a religion writer does god's work against crappy press releases, a public Chicago media sobriety fight, McClatchy just misses being car bombed, and the first wearable magazine, allegedly.

A guy blasted out an annoying and superfluous press release to hundreds of reporters. Which inspired this response:
Fuck off.
[Redacted Hero]
National Correspondent
Religion News Service
Redacted hero journalist calling down the very wrath of god, we salute you.

There is a bizarre uproar/ to-do in Chicago as a media writer snipes with a TV anchor over her various addiction and recovery issues and whether and how she disclosed them publicly. Read all about it, if you wish.

McClatchy's Baghdad bureau moved out of Baghdad's Hamra Hotel three weeks ago, which is especially good news in light of the fact that the Hamra hotel was struck by a huge fucking car bomb today.

A company is now selling t-shirts with news stories printed on the inside and pictures of the news stories printed on the outside, and billing the whole deal as "world's first wearable magazine." Which is big news to all the prison gangsters who've been using magazines as knife-proof body armor like forever.