She drops thousand of dollars on Hermès bags trying to stay famous. We wonder if this actor gives his married mistress gifts, or if this rocker got a present for his new-found sobriety? Gossip right from the gift horse's mouth.

1. "Which fame-hungry starlet and her hubby gift publishing people with $5000 Hermes bags to make sure they stay in the headlines? Don't worry, Star can't be bought." [Star]

2. "This very good looking, married, foreign born A list television actor has been in this spot before. This time he is here because of his affair with this female celebrity who is married, but separated from a singer." [CDaN]

3. "This musician hasn't been seen out for a while or put anything out lately. We're used to seeing news of this celeb but then it just sort of dropped off. That's because we hear the star has just gotten out of a long stint in rehab for drugs and other addictions and will be back making music shortly. Not Benji Madden." [BuzzFoto]