Gawker.TV: The Five Best Videos Ever of the Day

Today at Gawker.TV, Jamie Oliver takes over the fattest town in America, Daniel Tosh's rant about Tom Cruise, Barbara Walter's girl-on-girl kiss, Steven Seagall may be the worst cop ever, and Mel Gibson dons a wig while portraying Jimmy Kimmel.

Daniel Tosh Goes Off on a Hilarious Rant about Tom Cruise
Last night on Tosh.0, host Daniel Tosh took some very low-blows at Tom Cruise. Nothing was off-limits from his legal threats, to his attack on Brooke Shields, to his "kidnapping" of "Dawson's sloppy seconds" Katie Holmes. This. Is. Priceless.

Mel Gibson Stars in Piggly Wiggly: The Jimmy Kimmel Story
Jimmy Kimmel's show seems to be a great venue for actors that are struggling with their image. The most recent celebrity to jump aboard the revitalize-my-career-and-make-me hip-with-the-kids train is Mel Gibson.

Steven Seagal May Be the Worst Police Officer Ever
On Steven Seagal: Lawman, Steven chases after a perp, loses him, thinks he finds him, barges into the wrong house, and recklessly uses his gun only to lose him again. Be glad you don't live in Jefferson Parish, Louisiana.

Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution Tries to Save the Unhealthiest City in America
British chef Jamie Oliver has a new television series where he's given the task of changing the way that the residents of Huntington, West Virginia eat. It's both entertaining and sad to see his efforts in the fattest American city

Joy Pokes Fun at Barbara Walters, Calls Her a Lesbian on The View
During her "Month in Review" on The View today, Joy Behar showed some choice video clips of Barbara Walters claiming to be a lesbian and kissing Julianne Moore on the mouth. Bonus: a cameo by Elisabeth Hasselbeck's husband.