Somedays we're flying blind and sometimes the answers are obvious. Who is arrogant enough to throw a competing Haiti telethon? Who is jealous of her musical ex? Whose dad made her get fake boobs? Duh!

1. "When the first rumblings of a George-Clooney-led charity event hit the entertainment community, one star was surprisingly reticent about chipping in to help. This celeb was convinced that Clooney and friends were just looking to sweeten their own profiles with a humanitarian gesture. He decided that he didn't want to play second fiddle to Clooney & Friends, and started making some calls to try to get people to rally around his effort, which was going to be staged as a similar event … except that our guy would be the star. He made a few calls around, and was surprised to discover that he didn't have many takers for his event. He says that it was because people just didn't have enough time to pull together performances for his event. The reality is that no one really wanted to be part of a charity event that put more of an emphasis on this arrogant guy than on the charity itself." [Blind Gossip]

2. "She broke up with this musician a while ago, and pretends that it is friendly. However, our jilted actress is still very hurt over how things turned out. Whenever she hears or reads about the musician in the news and his latest relationship or fling, she is infuriated. She has demanded that her agent start arranging more events where the two will be able to meet up or run into one another. She is said to be slowly developing an obsession with keeping tabs on her ex and wants to sabotage any new love he might have. If she can't be happy, no one will! Not Cameron Diaz." [BuzzFoto]

3. "This Hollywood actress was big news thanks to her starring role in a TV show over the past couple of years. And yet she somehow managed to get herself bad press. She put in some heroic partying performances and has a habit of dating guys way older. Anyway, studio execs who had pencilled her in for stardom have pulled back. She's still in the same role that made her famous and getting annoyed about it." [PopBitch]

4. "This reality star with her own show just got her breasts augmented because her dad insisted." [CDaN]