We all need someone to look up to, and this kid is looking up at her famous sister copulating in public, in private, and everywhere. This different bad example lied about her illness to sick children. Such positive role models!

1. "This young star's bad habit is starting to get pretty serious. We're not talking about her substance abuse problems, because those have been serious for a long time. We're talking about her sexual addiction problem which she is passing off to a younger sibling. She's involved this underage family member into her seedy world of risky behavior. There is chatter that the dangerous outings the two go on involve random hookups at dangerous locations like parks, clubs, parties or mall bathrooms. The star is not content anymore to go alone, but likes the idea of corrupting someone innocent that she is close to and has at her disposal. Not Miley." [BuzzFoto]

2. "A few years back, this multi-hyphenate was a media darling. She was on TV all the time, she dated singers and actors and athletes, and she swept the awards shows. At the peak of her fame, however, tragedy struck. Well… not really… but it did get her a lot of press. Turns out that the clever girl was faking it. So while the fans held their collective breath, hoping against hope that their darling, innocent girl would pull through from this horrible event, piling accolades upon her, and marveling at how she managed to muster the energy to perform and to go to hospitals and visit sick children during her own tragedy, it turns out she was simply recovering from a case of "exhaustion". But, hey, she did manage to squeeze in photo ops of her visiting sick children in hospitals, helping to visualize what it would be like to be well. What a good person she must be!" [Blind Gossip]