Welcome to the Thursday night cotillion party from hell. Grab a cotillion cocktail (or a can of Campbell's Soup), demonic debs, and let's get ready to live-blog!

We've reached week four of our mutual fashion-fight addiction, and the stakes are really getting … well, about the same, actually. But our commenting party is gets better by the week! Why not join us? The live blog takes place in the comments section below, and the show airs on Lifetime at 10 Eastern. Here are a few things that happened last week:

  • After five team leaders were selected at random, Brian Moylan wondered: "Why are all the shitty people leading? This is like the Bush administration."
  • During a commercial break, we were introduced to "the colon lady." She was not a punctuation expert.
  • Sadly, at the end of the hour, Ping's "tornado of nuttery" (as commenter Spirit Fingers described it) blew her back to the land of Oz—an event that left many of us in a state of post-Ping depression.

And, of course, witty comments abounded. In case you missed it, we posted some of the highlights from last week's commentary right here, earlier today.

Speaking of highlights, the folks at Lifetime were kind enough to send me a DVD of clips from tonight's episode, so I have a few exclusive tidbits to share about what we'll see on tonight's episode. To wit:

  • We'll meet Lisa Walker, the "vice president of innovation" for the Campbell's Soup Co. I'll bet she's the one who came up with that "soup for one" idea. You have to admit, that was pretty innovative.
  • The challenge will be to create a "signature red look" for the lady-heart-health-week event, the Red Dress Awards at Fashion Week. The designers are lucky they aren't the Blue Dress Awards. After all, as Heidi told us last season, "blue is hard."
  • Tonight's guest judge will be Harvey Weinstein's wife, Georgina Chapman — a woman as strikingly beautiful as her husband is strikingly … um, not-beautiful (Also, he's an idiot. Have I mentioned that lately?).

OK, gang, let's get ready to innovate! If Campbell's can invent Chunky Soup, who's to say we can't invent the most brilliant live blog ever?