Wanda Sykes Slams NBC's Ridiculous Black History Month Menu... On NBC
Perhaps you have heard about the funny NBC Black History Month menu? Fried chicken, collard greens, corn bread, etc. etc. What a convenient night for famous black comedienne Wanda Sykes to be on the The Jay Leno Show!
The Roots' ?uestlove revealed today via Twitter that the NBC cafeteria had made the rather unfortunate choice of serving stereotypical black people food in honor of Black History Month. The chef who set the menu—who is black—didn't understand why it caused a media uproar. Wanda Sykes took a different view.
"I'm scared to know what they were having for dessert," said Sykes. "I hope they at least took it off the rind." Jay Leno looked genuinely very uncomfortable! Good job, Wanda Sykes.