HBO is developing a comedy about "a powerful female online showbiz journalist with a no-holds-barred style." We called our pal Nikki to ask if it's about her. It was, as always, a delightful conversation.

"Why are you so fucking fascinated with me?" Finke said. "Get a life." Our conversation with Finke was a rare on the record one, at our insistence. So we were delighted when she acknowledged, fully aware that she would be quoted, that in our last off the record conversation she threatened to sue your blogger personally and Gawker corporately for "unfair business practices" related to our coverage of her. When we explained that the lawsuit threat was the reason we refused to speak off the record, she said, "How do you know I won't? I'd love to own your house and your kids."

The show, from director Bill Condon and Tell Me You Love Me creator Cynthia Mort, will be a half-hour sitcom called Tilda. There's only one powerful online showbiz journalist with a no-holds-barred style that we can think of, and it's Nikki. Did she have anything to do with this show? Life rights? Consulting? Finke said she'll be posting to shortly explaining what relationship, if any, she has to the show. We'd be surprised if she didn't at least have some foreknowledge of it, since she her New York staffer Michael Fleming reported yesterday that Condon has "some series business with HBO."

In the meantime, let's get to work on casting, shall we? We're thinking Gena Rowlands, or maybe Kathleen Turner, in the title role. Add your suggestions to comments. As for the rest of the cast—what cast? They just need a cat, a computer, and some voice actors to represent the outside world with which Finke is said to interact almost exclusively be telephone and e-mail. We've heard rumors that she's never actually met Jay Penske, the minimogul who is paying her $15 million some mythically large sum of money to terrorize Hollywood. When we asked Finke she'd ever been in the same room with Penske, this is what she had to say: "I'm not going to talk about my boss. You've got to be kidding me." IndieWire's Anne Thompson claims Finke hasn't met Fleming, the Variety reporter she recently hired to be her New York bureau, but Finke says that's not true.

Oh, Nikki. What a charmer.