'Unintentional' Daily Beast Plagiarist Did It Four Other Times

The Daily Beast writer who confessed Friday to "unintentionally" lifting several sentences from a Miami Herald article also copied passages on four other occasions, as far back as July 2009. And now he's taking a "time out" from the Beast.
On Friday, it looked like writer Gerald Posner had his minor plagiarism scandal under control. Slate's Jack Shafer busted him for one case of copying, but Posner claimed it was accidental and his editors said he would keep working. Now Shafer has three more examples of Posner stealing from the Herald, plus one involving Texas Lawyer, and Posner writes he's been suspended. He blogged: "I now realize that a method of compiling information that I have used successfully since 1984... obviously does not work... at the warp speed of the Net." Or under the bright light of Google.