Usually Anthony Bourdain visits exotic locales eating conch ceviché, but last night he stayed close to home by touring the Hudson Valley. And who did he happen to have dinner with? Long-time resident Bill Murray! Bourdain was in awe.

And really, who wouldn't be completely flabbergasted sharing a Lobster Cappuccino and sitting across from Bill Murray. Their conversation was light and jovial, with Murray waxing poetic about a simple life of riding around from island to island in the Phillippines on a PT Boat with torpedoes attached (to ward off pirates).

For the most part, Murray talked about his passion for the Hudson Valley. Being a long-time resident, Murray finds it to be the perfect locale with a blend of culture, history, and easy access to New York City without being in New York City . He kinda sold us on that one.

It's not very often that Bourdain shares a meal with someone where he doesn't force conversation, interview the person, or seem genuinely disinterested. But when he had dinner with Murray, you could tell that he was giddy with excitement.