This week our big head-pounding moment dredged up an old mystery from the past. Remember when Rousseau used to talk about that disease that forced her to kill all her friends? Well, I think we're getting a diagnosis.

Yes, Pai Mei or whatever his name is seems to think that Sayid has contracted some kind of baaad island fever. Bad enough to try to kill him. And who else maybe got bitten by the same demonic Tsetse fly? Little baby-popping Claire. Claire who was mysteriously absent for the entirety of last season. Claire who most of us gave up for dead. (Miles was looking at her so strangely just before she disappeared.) But now all of a sudden she's front and center, apparently overcome by the mysterious polar bear flu that made Frenchie go all nuts and kill her friends. Oh, and, right. Sayid's got it too. Terrific. If he turns bad, Sayid is not that easy to kill. Just sayin'.