Here's What You Missed at Last Night's Gawker.TV Meetup
Last night Gawker.TV interns and employees got together with our commenters and friends for a rambunctious night of socializing, drinking, and having a grand old time. Emphasis on the drinking.
All photos were shot by Diana Levine.

Mike Byhoff, Bette Bentley, and Cassie Seale were busy discussing how to make a mean apple pie.

The lovely Anna Edwards and her friend.

Adrian Muniz, Zach Mack, and myself laughing about something.

A very happy birthday to Fricci!

Hey, let's all pick songs from the Juke Box!

Nicole Keller and her friend.

Justin Johnson and Blakeley.

Amber Van Natten and Cassie Seale seem to be having quite a discussion.

Group shot! Featuring: Rachel Sklar, Andrew Cedotal, Dan D'Addario, Eric Kuhn, and Matt Cherette.

Just another day in the life of Michael Jordan: signing autographs for his adoring fans.

Kristina Lucarelli (aka Luca) and John Januzzi.

Peter Feld and a friend.

Just jumping around, nothing to see here...

Vanessa Prat her friend.

Andrew Cedotal and Kelly Reeves.

John Carney made an appearance.

Brian Stelter saw that "everyone had checked in here on foursquare," so he stopped by to see what the fuss was about. Here, it looks as though he may have asked for a bowling demonstration. Or not.

David Matthews, entertaining his legion of fans.

Krisanne Crabill, Francine Dreyfus and a friend.

John Trowbridge and his friend.

James Del, Kelly Reeves, and Scott Kidder stopped by.

Matt Toder and Robyn Caplan.

It's not a party til the creepy guy shows up at the bar and tries to sell you a blinky light. The rave's that way, buddy!

And finally, our lovely photographer Diana Levine makes a cameo in one of her photos.