Valentine's Day wins its titular weekend. The Olympics are pure gold for NBC. Toy Story 3 will have Legos. Kathryn Bigelow heads to HBO. 24 stops production. Happy Chinese New Year, from all your friends at the Trade Roundup!

•Warner Bros.' Valentine's Day maybe a terrible movie, but it was the number one film this weekend, grossing $52.4 million. Runner up was Percy Jackson and the Olympians. But, really, Valentine's Day had a pretty unfair advantage. Maybe if it was up against a movie called President's Day? [Variety]

•Kathryn Bigelow will be directing a pilot for HBO. The Miraculous Year was written by John Logan and is about "a New York family as seen through the lens of a charismatic, self-destructive Broadway composer." It's Bigelow's first foray into TV, and a big get for HBO. Watch for James Cameron to announce his pilot for Showtime. [THR]

•Like Richard, everyone loves the winter Olympics: Ratings for the Olympics averaged 26.2 million on Saturday. That's more than previous summer or winter games, according to Variety. The opening ceremonies alone attracted 32.6 million viewers, which is actually just short of Canada's population: 33.2 million. So it was like all of Canada saw Wayne Gretzky's crazy "oh shit" face when the torch didn't light. [Variety]

Kiefer Sutherland has a rupture cyst and needs surgery; production of 24 is halted. Really? Jack Bauer is stopped by cysts!? [THR]

•Shocker: Toy Story 3 is going to have a massive toy tie-in. [THR]