Wired iPad Edition: Best Magazine Tablet Demo Yet

Wired has a tablet version of its magazine running on Adobe's Air platform, and this video of the editorial prototype is pretty compelling: it's got video, article sharing, even embedded, touchable 3D objects. But who knows if it will work?

It's not yet clear how well the app will perform on Android devices or as an iPad app, as our colleagues at Gizmodo point out — or whether Apple will even allow the Wired app on its tablet device. Then there's the question of pricing. Wired editor Chris Anderson mentions getting people to pay for content in the video, but figuring out how much to charge for a brand-new digital category is, as the New York Times has learned, quite tricky. In any case, this slick-looking app sure beats out Sports Illustrated's imaginary tablet edition. Sorry, jocks. This is an away game for you.