Today at Gawker.TV, Tracy Morgan takes over Tavis Smiley, Olympic Curling's orgasm noises, more girls that are 16 and Pregnant, Jason Davis has a date with The Millionaire Matchmaker and his monkey, and we explain the theory behind Lost's flash-sideways.

Tracy Morgan Is a Crazy, Unwanted Party Guest
You know that guy who shows up to a party and dominates the conversation, talking about wild theories on how to truly live, while everyone laughs awkwardly? That's Tracy Morgan—And last night, Tavis Smiley's show was the party.

We Can't Tell if These Olympians Are Curling or Having an Orgasm
We thought we had this whole Curling thing figured out but we were wrong. No amount of prep work could have made it any easier for us to tell if these Olympians are competing or getting it on.

The Quantum Mechanics of Lost's Flash-Sideways
Are you a seasoned Lost fan? Are you afraid they might be going too far with the whole flash-sideways thing? Afraid it just couldn't make sense? Well worry no more, Gawker.TV is here to ease your suffering.

16 and Pregnant: The New Batch
Just when we think we're out, MTV pulls us back in. Hot on the heels of the Teen Mom finale, we are blessed with our own little bundle of joy: a new season of 16 and Pregnant. Baby mama drama!

Jason Davis on Millionaire Matchmaker: A Tale of Farts, Spray Tans, and Monkeys
Last night on The Millionaire Matchmaker Patti took on a "celebrity"—Jason Davis. How do you know him? He's the brother of Brandon Davis, heir to millions, and subject of the paparazzi's nickname "Gummi Bear." So, how did it go?