The parents of Andrew Koenig—who played Growing Pains neighbor Boner Stabone—say their son was "suffering from depression" at the time of his disappearance. Last seen on Valentine's Day, the star was in Vancouver.

Koenig—who hails from a Hollywood family (his father was Chekov in Star Trek)—was last seen February 14, when he stayed at the home of Vancouver burlesque star Jenny Magenta, who has since updated her MySpace status to "anxious" and tweeted about suicidal friends.

Koenig was scheduled to return to the U.S. on February 16. On that day, his phone received a text message (the content of which has not been made public) and has since been turned off.

The Associated Press reports that a police statement said Koenig "has recently been despondent and his family and friends are concerned for his well-being."

Previously, Koenig made Olympics-related headlines when he protested China's human rights violations during the Beijing Summer Olympics. This probably has nothing to do with the current situation, but in the face of frightening uncertainty, clinging to the few facts we do have seldom hurts. Vancouver's Police Department has a tipline set up at 604-717-2534.

Growing Pains Star—Battling Depression [TMZ]
Growing Pains Star Andrew Koenig Missing [TMZ]
Growing Pains star Andrew Koenig is missing; celebs take to Twitter to help find the actor [NYDN via Minge]
Andrew Koenig Missing in Vancouver [AP via Zotts]