Last night brought us to a mysterious Alexandria-esque lighthouse, one that didn't necessarily lead the way for incoming ships. No, it seemed to serve another purpose entirely. A magical purpose.

There was a big wheely thing with names written on it — names like we saw in Jacob's cave. And Jack saw, in the lighthouse's reflective mirror, images of things, houses, flash in the glass as each name and number passed. Then it got to his name and showed his childhood home. So, it's a magic mirror? Magic lighthouse? Magic everything? Also, who was going to be at 108 degrees? Is there an actual person coming to the island, as Ghost Jacob murmured in his serene way to Hurley, or was it all a ploy to actualize Jack? And as for Jack's off-island flash sideways, is that a happy life, with his piano-playing son and sad, cold pizza waiting at home? I'm starting to wonder if all the Lost kids are going to have to choose, between this synthesized world, where the island is sunken underwater and things are pretty OK, and the real world, where things are harder and crueler, but are real and earned. And maybe the true war between Jacob and Smoky the Bear (he's certainly not a twink!) isn't one of good vs. evil, but one where Jacob will bring people, over and over again, to the island to test them. He's still awaiting perfect results and won't stop meddling with people's lives until he gets them, while Smoky wants to just embrace the chaos of life and stop this stupid game. Or, you know, backgammon?