They'll get over their recent break up but just for the PR. This actress gets good publicity for being nice on set, and this actor is looking to avoid negative notices for plastic surgery. All press is good press!

1. "Just like we predicted in an earlier blind, this couple just broke up. The relationship was doomed from the start, but don't give up on them just yet. The couple has more to milk out of the relationship, at least from the girl's perspective. We know we say a lot of couples and celebs pull stunts for PR reasons, but that's just the way it works in Hollywood. Although this girl has an additional motive, she wants the world to know she's a whole lot better than the boyfriend's ex-girlfriend. Not Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel." [BuzzFoto]

2. "This A list Academy Award winner/nominee actress was on a set recently and had just finished a shot. As she was walking back to her trailer she noticed no one was talking to her or looking in the eye. When she walked up to the set designer to talk to him he seemed unsure of himself. At that point our actress turned around and yelled at one of the producers and said, 'Did you put up those damn signs for people not to talk to me or look me in the eye? I told you I hated those things. They make me look like a b**ch." Now that that is settled, dinner and drinks are on me for the cast and crew tonight. I'm sorry for the signs.'" [CDaN]

3. "This actor has many successful films to his credit. Since his last couple of films didn't do so well at the box office, though, he is having a bout of insecurity. He has recently consulted with at least three different plastic surgeons about having his face freshened up. He doesn't want a nose job or cheek implants or botox. He just wants to look like a younger version of himself. More specifically, he gave each surgeon the following guideline: He doesn't want to look like Rupert Everett. We are assuming he means that he doesn't want to look overdone. Then again, he would also probably never accept a role as the gay best friend of Julia Roberts in any film." [Blind Gossip]

4. "Which tiny actress refused to touch her beef wellington and also left her chocolate pud uneaten, claiming her appetite had mysteriously vanished - no doubt helped on its way by the five trips to the loos to snort half of Colombia's finest..." [UK Mirror]