White House Social Secretary Desiree Rogers will step down, Chicago Sun-Times columnist Lynn Sweet reports. Sally Quinn wins again!

Rogers is an old personal friend of the Obamas, and the fact that she is from Chicago convinced Quinn that she was a terrible choice for Social Secretary, because the Social Secretary's job is to tell the President to go to Sally Quinn's parties. (Well, Rogers is actually from New Orleans. But that is also Not Washington.)

In order to justify her contempt for this horrid outsider, Quinn decided to blame her for the fact that the Secret Service allowed three weirdos to gatecrash White House parties.

Rogers tells Sweet that she is looking forward to exploring "opportunities in the corporate world."

Gawker's Brian Moylan has announced his interest in taking over as Social Secretary. When asked who he'd seat at the President's table at a State Dinner, he said: "Jill Zarin, Snooki, Yo Yo Ma, Mahmoud Imadinnerjacker, Jackie Collins, Brett Favre, and Barney Frank's boyfriend." So, we say give him the job

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