The day after Leno's Tonight Show premiers, The Early Show invites Howard Stern onto their show to discuss bash Jay Leno. Stern didn't hold back, saying the mere mention of Leno's name makes him want to vomit.

While Stern has a rocky past with CBS, his hatred for all things Jay Leno far outweigh his hatred for Les Moonves. So in order to hurt Jay Leno as much as he can, he goes on CBS (at The Early Show's request!) to chastise Jay Leno in the hopes of giving any boost he can to David Letterman.

And while Stern considers Letterman and himself original pioneers, he has very different titles for Jay Leno. In the interview he calls Leno:

  • A showbiz animal
  • A lapdog
  • A saboteur
  • A thief

Harry Smith then referenced Stern's grim prediction back in 2006, when he went on Late Night and very bluntly told O'Brien that Leno wouldn't actually give up The Tonight Show.

As far as how Stern usually talks about people he hates, it almost seems like he let Leno off a little easy.