Citing pressures related to David Paterson's "police are my personal henchmen for intimidating abused women" scandal, State Police Superintendent Harry Corbitt announced his retirement late Tuesday. Who's down and who's still standing.

The newly unemployed Albany residents are...

  • David Johnson, the Paterson aid whose alleged abuse of girlfriend Sherr-una Booker caused the cover-up and scandal
  • New York State Police Superintendent Harry Corbitt
  • Corbitt's boss, Deputy Secretary for Public Safety Denise O'Donnell

Still standing (for now)...

  • Deneane Brown, the state worker who, at Paterson's behest, contacted Booker to "tell her the governor wants her to make this go away," according to the Times. Brown also claimed to have witnessed a public attack Johnson made on his girlfriend, and said the Times' version of the event was false.
  • Marissa Shorenstein, the press secretary Paterson asked to get Booker to "publicly describe the episode as nonviolent" on the day of the Times' first Paterson article, according to the Times.
  • Paterson himself, in spite of pressure from NOW and some legislators to resign—or transfer at least some power to Lt. Gov. Richard Ravitch.

[AP] [NYT]