Heidi Montag dreamed of starring in a pointless remake of an absurd film; Nicholas Carlson imagined nailing Facebook's CEO to the wall; and Perez Hilton envisioned getting his mom back. The Twitterati were in fantasyland.

Walking talking cultural detritus Heidi Montag wasn't afraid to dream big.

Certified Faceboook stalker Nicholas Carlson is trying to figure out if Mark Zuckerberg is criminal or just creepy.

Forbes editor Quentin Hardy may have figured out where Colin Quinn has been hiding.

With his dear mom away on vacation, Perez Hilton can barely bring himself to oversee his army of internet ghostwriters. Just imagine where he'd be without his sister.

TMZ's Harvey Levin can't decide if "The Kanye" is the person who does the interrupting at an awards ceremony, in the manner of Kanye West, or the innocent and interrupted person who, in the manner of Kanye West, is black. This time he went with the latter. Interesting choice.

Did you witness the media elite tweet something indiscreet? Please email us your favorite tweets — or send us more Twitter usernames.