That's Ovadia at right last summer with Gosselin—presumably before she began representing his ex Hailey Glassman over charges that she ransacked Gosselin's apartment—and Michael Lohan's ex-girlfriend Erin Muller.

Ovadia clubbing with Michael Lohan, Glassman, and Gosselin's ex and former Star reporter Kate Major.

On February 18th, Ovadia posted photos from a trip to LA that she took with boxing promoter Damon Feldman, who began dating Glassman after she and Gosselin broke up. That's Feldman on the right being teased by Michael Lohan.

Ovadia doesn't spend all her time hanging out with the parents and ex girlfriends' of reality TV "stars." She's also involved in politics. Last year, she ran to represent Nassau County's 13th Assembly District as a Democrat. She was defeated by incumbent Norma Gonsalves.

Her political career has brought Ovadia into contact with top New York politicians. This shot shows her with Senator Chuck Schumer.

She also took a picture with New York's junior Senator, Kirsten Gillibrand.

Anand Ahuja's name always shows up second in press reports about the pair, but since Oviada isn't a member of the New York State Bar Association, it seems like he might be the brains behind their operation. He also boasts the more impressive political connections. Here he is with former President Bill Clinton.

Ahuja and Mayor Bloomberg are tight.

Ahuja has also met a bunch of Senators including the late Ted Kennedy.

...West Virginia Democrat Robert Byrd...

... and Indiana Republican Richard Lugar.

Here's former House Majority Leader Dick Gephardt!

And here's nutty Republican Congressman Peter King!

Ahuja also has this great picture of himself with washed out Oscar winner Nic Cage.