25 Celebrity Twitters You Need to Be Following

Like the greater Twittership at-large, celebrity tweets are mostly pointless. Facts easily learned from other sources bore readers and clog feeds. Obvious topics and endless LOLs are even more unnecessary if the personality that makes the poster celeb-worthy is absent.
It's difficult to separate the tweet-wheat from the chaff and find celebrity Twitterers whom it's worthwhile to follow. The twenty selected for this list all had genuinely entertaining tweets, interesting outlooks, and, for the most part, original content. The accounts are all, to the best of our knowledge, held by the celebrities themselves (with few noted exceptions), and hopefully present a realness not always evident in their creators' media personae and lives on-camera.

1. Conan O'Brien
Twitter handle: @conanobrien
Why you should follow: Though he's new in Twittertown, Conan O'Brien has gained over 600,000 followers since his first post less than a month ago. Following only one lucky user in return, Conan's tweets are expectedly hysterical reflections on his unexpected sabbatical.
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2. Stephen Colbert
Twitter handle: @StephenAtHome
Why You Should Follow: There is no real need to justify following Stephen Colbert. The man is a satirical genius and his humor works perfectly in any format. Focused mostly on political commentary, Colbert's Twitter is an extension of his show's lighthearted yet spot-on criticism of serious issues.
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3. Neil Patrick Harris
Twitter handle: @ActuallyNPH
Why you should follow: With his honest charm and humility, Neil Patrick Harris is a Hollywood rarity, and his Twitter is imbued with the same qualities that make its creator such a standout. His personal messages are so genuinely encouraging it almost seems he considers Twitter's denizens good friends, and his cleverness comes through in his subtly humorous observational quips.
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4. Martha Stewart
Twitter handle: @marthastewart
Why you should follow: Up until a few months ago, Martha was posting about things like drinking cocktails with her doggies after brunching with media big-shots in all-caps, giving her seemingly serene tweets a peculiar mania. The queen of domestic perfection has since corrected her typographic misstep, but the brief tales of her day-to-day and "Twitteraway" contests still engage her readership in her surreal life of refined simplicity.
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5. Danny Devito
Twitter handle: @Danny_deVito
Why you should follow: The star of Danny Devito's Twitter isn't the little man himself, but one of his feet. Amidst his text posts are twitpics of the appendage Devito has christened "Troll Foot" looming mysterious over generally unremarkable pastoral scenes, beckoning with its itchy-witchy toesy-woesies.
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6. Lady Gaga
Twitter handle: @ladygaga
Why you should follow: Why You Should Follow: The reigning pop queen (who knows for how long—it's a heavy crown, just ask the fading queen mum Madonna), keeps a Twitter account that balances wholehearted appreciation for her fans with the insanity of an idol's life. An icon in her own image, Lady Gaga is personalized in her tweets, making the biggest entertainer on the planet readily accessible to any reader.
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7. Roger Ebert
Twitter handle: @ebertchicago
Why you should follow: Left tragically voiceless after his battle with thyroid cancer yet vehemently outspoken as ever, Roger Ebert has been able to parlay his career in film criticism into an outstanding Twitter that rails against anything the remarkable man takes issue with on a given day. Regimented solely by his personal standards, Ebert sounds off on entertainment stories and politics, giving his two cents that a nation has come to anticipate and love.
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8. Rainn Wilson
Twitter handle: @rainnwilson
Why you should follow: If it weren't obvious enough already after five years as Dwight Schrute on The Office and his various film roles and cameos along the way, Rainn Wilson is hilarious. Twitter is the perfect platform for his personal comedy, granting followers brief glimpses at the humor of his real life.
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9. Mindy Kaling
Twitter handle: @mindykaling
Why you should follow: The other Office worker worthy of a follow is Mindy Kaling, show-writer, and the woman behind the teenaged-adult heart-breaker/gossip, Kelly Kapoor. Kaling's wit manifests in terse cultural and industry commentaries that have all the tiny brilliance of the best one-liners.
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10. Oprah Winfrey
Twitter handle: @oprah
Why you should follow: Arguably the most powerful woman in the entertainment industry, Oprah tweets mostly about show topics or whatever random subject or object she's into at the moment. Since her tastes tend to dictate national trending, it's wise to watch her feed, if only to predict the zeitgeist.
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11. Spencer Pratt
Twitter handle: @spencerpratt
Why you should follow:
Since his new age rebirth and discovery of the healing power of crystals (in a presumably premeditated try at media whoredom, like every other thing he and his wife do), Spencer Pratt has become a worthwhile Twitter follow, whose fifth-dimensional quest for inner-peace provides the guiltiest of pleasures.
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12. Thomas Lennon
Twitter handle: @thomaslennon
Why you should follow: The star of the regrettably canceled Reno 911! takes his off-beat humor to Twitter with fantastic results. A comedy contender since the days of The State, Lennon posts laugh-out-loud minutiae and banters back and forth with other hysterically funny actor friends, including David Wain and Ken Jeong.
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13. Shaquille O'Neal
Twitter handle: @THE_REAL_SHAQ
Why you should follow: Shaq's affability is evident in his tweets. The gentle giant responds to tons of personal messages from fans and followers and still finds time for updates on his favorite sports teams and the miscellany of his life, all replete with misspellings and self-referential LOLs. Best read in his voice for full big-sweet-lug effect.
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14. Kathy Griffin
Twitter handle: @kathygriffin
Why you should follow: Why you should follow: The empress of the uninvited twitters mostly for self-promotion and off-camera reports from her reality show, stand-up dates, and the other events that make up her decidedly non-D-List schedule. Her technological inexperience is endearing, as is her real desire to communicate with fans, often asking for opinions or re-tweeting shout-outs in appreciation.
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15. Michael Ian Black
Twitter handle: @michaelianblack
Why you should follow: A Twitter veteran who was on the scene before most of the current celebrity crop knew what RT and @ meant, Michael Ian Black typically updates on his life and career, but keeps it sardonic. His trademark deadpan translates into each tweet, letting him indulge in the pop culture critique he's brought to VH1 clip shows for years.
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16. Joy Behar
Twitter handle: @JoyVBehar
Why you should follow: Joy often requests and uses questions her followers tweet at her for her nightly talk show. Her account covers news and entertainment topics, but she gives a fair dose of personal opinion—in true View fashion—injecting what would be a bland stream of topics with her specific brand of sass.
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17. Lindsay Lohan
Twitter handle: @lindsaylohan
Why You Should Follow: Gone are the days of frantic break-up tweets @samantharonson, but Lindsay's Twitter still has some real gems. Most of Lohan's recent tweets are fashion-centric, in an attempt to legitimize her current career change, but they are still filled with the same name-dropping babbling craziness that makes the lady so weirdly captivating.
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18. MC Hammer
Twitter handle: @MCHammer
Why You Should Follow: MC Hammer may not have the A-List pull of other bigger tweeting celebrities (no one cares about your inner thoughts, Ashton, even if you do have a million followers), but he has been on the top and bottom of the fame coaster and come out alright, and has an interesting angle on the various topics within the political and entertainment spheres about which he tweets.
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19. Karl Lagerfeld
Twitter handle: @Karl_Lagerfeld
Why You Should Follow: Picturing Lagerfeld, the master couturier, delicately twittering fashion-forward maxims decked out in all his pearly, pussy-bowed glory should be enough visual incentive to follow. It's uncertain that the inimitable Karl would deign to commune with the hoi polloi and whether he maintains the account himself, but it's filled with enough of his puffed-up words and wisdom written with perfect capitalization and grammar, to suffice as his personal page.
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20. Sean "P Diddy" Combs
Twitter handle: @iamdiddy
Why You Should Follow: Diddy gives his followers daily doses of inspiration that all jumble together into a laughable feed of over-the-top positivity. It's nice to know that someone so successful only wishes the best for everyone else, sure, but his overwhelming optimism just comes across as entertaining ridiculousness. At least he's spreading happiness, one way or another.
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21. John Mayer
Twitter handle: @johncmayer
Why You Should Follow: John Mayer uses his twitter to talk to the public about anything and everything: from his break-up with Jennifer Aniston, to his blubbery apologies for his recent playboy interview, and everything (almost literally) in-between. The ridiculousness of his tweets make anyone laugh (at him, not with him).
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22. Craig Ferguson
Twitter handle: @CraigyFerg
Why You Should Follow: If you enjoy the often absurd humor of Craig while he's hosting The Late, Late Show, his Twitter is more of the same. Ferguson shines in this one-liner form, and seems to be cultivating his own private army from his strong following.
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21. Seth Meyers
Twitter handle: @sethmeyers21
Why You Should Follow: If you're a fan of Saturday Night Live, Seth's twitter is a must. He often hints about what will air during that night's Weekend Update, how SNL's rehearsal is going throughout the week, and also throws in some interesting backstage stories and off-camera anecdotes.
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24. Jimmy Fallon
Twitter handle: @jimmyfallon
Why You Should Follow: Jimmy updates his twitter often and with lots of inside treats about Late Night. From behind-the-scenes photos of his guests, to tweets about what the bands sound like warming up in rehearsal and what surprises are in store for that night's show, Fallon's Twitter provides fan with regularly refreshing knowledge about his wacky workweek.
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25. Aziz Ansari
Twitter handle: @azizansari
Why You Should Follow: Aziz keeps us constantly up-to-date on the goings on at Parks and Recreation, what's new with his alter-ego, "Raaaaaaaandy," and has plenty of interaction with other funny comedians via his Twitter. His tweets are always good for a laugh; his latest activity on the site has been reading and live-tweeting one of the Twilight books.
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Did we miss your favorite celebrity Twitter? Let us know who you think should make the list in the comments.