Alex Blagg is not going to improvise like some sort of monkey; Lily Allen is not going to stand for your "fat whore" condolences; and Nick Bilton is not particularly enjoying this week's pressure cooker. The Twitterati defied reality.

The Daily Beast's Tina Brown joined Twitter and promptly got to promoting herself, just like a native.

"No worries, it's all good" is probably not the best response to editor Alex Blagg's anti-laid-back rejoinder. But it might be an entertaining one, ultimately.

It sounds like the blog and book are going spectacularly for the New York Times's Nick Bilton. And, worrisomely for us, perhaps pyrotechnically.

Singer Lily Allen is so offended that she's actually now offended by your perception of her offendedness. "Fat whore" is the insult with its own radioactive fallout.

And so it begins. Time to shut off Twitter for a week. (And "facepunch" the Guardian's Silicon Valley contributor, if it makes you feel better.)

Did you witness the media elite tweet something indiscreet? Please email us your favorite tweets - or send us more Twitter usernames.