Remember High Society? It's that Tinsley Mortimer reality show that's most notable for Jules Kirby, a drunken partygirl who says bad things about blacks, Jews, and gays. Now she's claiming that the CW put those words in her mouth.

On Wednesday night's premiere episode, Kirby, a "socialite" who wants to work at the UN (riiight), said the following:

My friends do not tend to be homosexuals, fat or Jewish-y bald* . . . I use the N-word sometimes, and I really think it should be OK to say.

Pretty gross, right? Well, now Kirby is embarrassed and is fighting back! Someone at the New York Post was reading her Facebook wall and saw that Kirby was accusing the show's producers of feeding her lines, including the idiocy above.

I am sorry if you were offended. The show is scripted, and we are given lines and characters. My grandmother is married to a Jew . . . Everything was cut and pasted to make it look like I was a stupid bitch, and I regret that they do not do a better job of saying it is a docusoap, not a reality show.

Some of her best grandfathers are Jews! Never mind. Case closed. You can all go home now. A blog called Scallywag was also checkin' out her Fbook and saw that she further explained what she meant with this whole n-word business (which I guess wasn't one of the lines fed to her then?):

Oh, OK. She's not a racist, she's just a w-word. Plus she was responding to a black guy (Malik the Sheik, also from the show), so she can't be racist. Plus there's this! Maybe the producers really did force her to say horrible things.

If true, that's pretty bizarre, right? We all know a lot of these reality shows are fake (they're "docusoaps," to use Professor Kirby's parlance), but to make a character be hateful in a racist, anti-gay, antisemitic kinda way? That seems awfully extreme. And if told to say it, why in the world would Kirby agree to that? It seems a little suspicious to us.

For its part, the CW wrote to the New York Observer and said that Kirby's claims are hogwash:

With a show like this, it pretty much goes without saying that you can't write this stuff

Hmm. Typical PR stuff, pretty much.

So what do you think, dear readers? Is Jules Kirby a terrible representative of the Upper East Side arm of the National Alliance, or is this just another case, and perhaps the most unpleasant one, of producer meddling? I guess we'll have to keep watching the show to find out!

Which is probably everyone's whole fucking endgame, isn't it? Sigh.

* "Jewish-y bald" is not our term. It's from the transcript currently floating around the internet, which we think came from the Post. Sorry for not properly crediting. For the record, we agree with the commenters who heard it as "Jewish people."