"We accept that Ms. Margolis is not and never has been 'a hooker'," The Independent self-corrects. It gets worse: Zoe Margolis is their writer, and the mistake was a headline that begins, "I Was a Hooker."

Zoe Margolis is a sex blogger. Her column for The Independent was about how her public unmasking changed her personality. Here's the headline they wrote: "I Was a Hooker Who Became an Agony Aunt." They have since replaced "Hooker" with "Good-time Girl."

In the aforementioned article, Margolis writes that her priority as a sex blogger is "dispelling stigma and stereotypes." Like the stereotype that women who are forthright about sex are hookers. If only that headline had been in a blog. Irony reads better here. [GirlWithaOneTrackMind] [Independent]