The Great $75 Million Pill Heist

You can tell a lot about a culture by which things it produces are worth stealing. On Sunday, thieves rappelled through a hole cut in the ceiling of a warehouse and made off with $75 million dollars in pills.
The warehouse belonged to pharmaceutical company Eli Lilly & Co. and the thieves made off with a truckload of pills including Prozac, Cymbalta and the anti-psychotic drug Zyprexa. According to the AP,
The thieves apparently scaled the brick exterior of the warehouse in an industrial park in Enfield, a town about midway between Hartford and Springfield, Mass., during a blustery rainstorm before daybreak Sunday. After lowering themselves to the floor, they disabled the alarms and spent at least an hour loading pallets of drugs into a vehicle at the loading dock, authorities said.
Authorities think the heist could be linked to a series of other pharmaceutical thefts where thieves did a bunch of awesome movie-type shit like using "trapeze-style rigging" to sneak into warehouses and blacking out security cameras with paint. Here's hoping they're planning to drive all these drugs down to Washington and donate them to America to help the health care bill pass.