Neither Man nor God Can Stop Kids From Sexting All the Time

The US Federal Appeals Court is doing its part to make sure America doesn't turn into boring, sexting-averse Dubai or some other nation without sexy nude teen girl pix on everyone's cell phone, all the time. Thanks, court pervs!
Ha, actually this ruling was eminently reasonable (pervs)! The court sided with parents who were angry that psycho religious yokels tried to prosecute their underage daughters just because nude photos of them turned up on the cell phones of kids at their schools. "They said the district attorney's actions interfered with the girls' constitutional rights to be photographed and to be free from compelled speech - and with the parents' rights to direct their children's upbringing."
Huzzah for free speech, lax parents of horny kids, and the powerful ability of technology to mix those factors with explosive and unknown consequences! Good luck with that whole "don't text on the Sabbath day" thing, religious nerds. Less Jesus, more sexxxting!