Gawker.TV: The Five Best Videos Ever of the Day
Today at Gawker.TV, the hosts of The View turn into puppets, George and Robin flub up their lines on GMA, Ugly American's pilot episode, and how last night's Top Model is more like a Japanese game show thank you think.
America's Next Top Model Puts Japanese Game Shows to Shame
America's Next Top Model is no longer about modeling. It is about shaming aspiring models with ridiculous physical challenges. Last night: Walk down a runway with giant swinging pendulums. It's exactly like Japan's MXC, only funnier. Mashup proof inside.
Ugly Americans: If Loving a Demon is Wrong...
Comedy Central's new show, Ugly Americans, explores what life in New York City would be like if zombies, demons and various other manner of ghouls were real. Turns out, life would be about the same as it is now.
The View Hosts as Puppets: Are they More or Less Tolerable?
Today Joy had her "Month in Review" segment and channeled Ricky Gervais' animated show with a quick bit where all the hosts were puppets. As cute as they look, they sadly still talk and bicker the same as always.
The 75 Most Amazing Amateur Basketball Trick Shots Caught on Video
In honor of March Madness, beginning today, check out this original compilation of 75 incredible basketball trick shots. These kids have some serious skills.
Robin and George Mess Up their Lines on Good Morning America
Yes, 7:30 in the morning is an early time for anyone to be awake, but somehow we expected more from these two seasoned anchors. Watch George Stephanopoulos and Robin Roberts do the awkward "that's my line" tango inside.