The Grey's Anatomy star can't stay dressed! Details about the tattooed lady Sandra Bullock's husband slept with. George Clooney is a generous voter. The Paula Abdul Star Search deal is off. Friday's gossip is working on its farmer's tan.

  • Katherine Heigl almost put on a bigger show than anticipated at the ShoWest awards in Las Vegas last night. When giving her acceptance speech holding the trophy for Female Star of the Year, the strap of her dress broke, and she quickly held up the fabric over her bosom. Who was the night in shining armor who held up her bodice while she finished her speech? Billy Bush! We figured he would have let it go and snagged the "Exclusive Katherine Heigl Nip Slip" shots for Access Hollywood. Anyway, she went backstage and found a safety pin, which is either great news or unfortunate, depending on how you feel about Heigl's boobs. [NYDN]
  • There is plenty of drama going on with the Sandra Bullock, Jesse James, tattooed lady Michelle Bombshell McGee saga. Sadly, most of the new info is about McGee, who was apparently a webcam model and posed for a photo shoot dressed as a Nazi. James has publicly apologized to his wife and children. In a statement released to People he doesn't deny the affair, but he says that most of what has been reported is untrue. Meanwhile, McGee has returned to her Twitter account with such revealing missives as "suck it!!," "thanks for the support," and "I really want some Ben and jerrys half baked ice cream." We're sure we'll be hearing all about this story in the weeks to come. It's being covered more than McGee's skin by tattoos. [TMZ, People, RadarOnline]
  • George Clooney voted for Jeff Bridges instead of for himself for Best Actor at this year's Oscars. He took a picture of his ballot and sent it to Bridges and told the actor, "If you don't win, don't blame me." Way to keep it classy, George. [P6]
  • Looks like that Paula Abdul on Star Search thing isn't going to happen after all. ABC says negotiations have broken down and that they're moving on developing the show without her as host. Now the speculation continues that she'll be on Simon Cowell's X-Factor. Between these two shows, American Idol, and America's Got Talent, every aspiring famous person with even a scintilla of ability will have been on television by 2013. [E Online]
  • Real Housewife of New York Ramona Singer is being attacked, not by one of the ladies on the show, but her pissed off decorator, Rona Landman. Landman claims that she worked on several rooms in Singer's house, including her daughter's room, for free in order for the publicity from being on the show. Now her segments are on the cutting room floor. Even worse, Singer did a spread in a newspaper claiming she designed the whole pad herself. Landman says she's been calling Singer to get the $20K she thinks is owed her and Ramona says she doesn't have any reception. We're sure the dog ate her homework too. [Gatecrasher]
  • Heidi Montag does something right for a change and fires her psychic manager after only a week. Maybe she's finally got some sense. Naw. [People]
  • Padma Lakshmi still doesn't want to talk about her babydaddy. "I have a newborn! I just want some peace and privacy," she says when asked for comment about the man who put a bun in her oven. More sources are reporting that it's venture capitalist Adam Dell, so let's see how long she can keep up the denial tap dance. Hopefully she gets a full night sleep first. [People]

[Image via Getty]