The Real World: New Orleans is currently in production. This week the police had to be called when a cast member "fell ill" after using a toothbrush that his housemate had urinated on. Really.

This is either true or the grossest PR stunt that we have ever heard of for the long-running show. The Times-Picayune uncovered the story where resident Ryan Leslie was treated for a viral infection in his throat from using a toothbrush that castmate Charles Roberson used to clean the toilet bowl and then peed all over. Apparently the two had gotten into a fight in which Roberson called Leslie a "faggot" before he loosened his bladder on Leslie's Sonicare. No one knew about it, though, and Leslie kept using the brush until he started experiencing symptoms and went to the hospital. This is like Puck from The Real World: San Francisco putting his finger in the peanut butter jar to the millionth degree.

There's no word on what caused the fight. Or if it was a real dispute or something staged by producers. (Robertson wasn't arrested or charged.) But it's bad news for MTV which usually tries to keep these incidents, castmembers' last names, and the address of the house a secret.

With this police report, which is below, they've failed at all three.