Naomi Campbell Is Too 'Mature' to Keep Beating People

The Naomi Campbell Contrition Tour 2010 continues with an interview in The Mail on Sunday's Live magazine where she says she has grown up and learned her lesson about punching the help. Sure you have, lady. Sure you have.
In the wake of allegations that she strangled a driver, Naomi is doing all sorts of charity work and even going to Haiti. She wants the world to know that she is a serious person who would never throw a vajazzled Blackberry at an assistant. "I've matured. I stop myself from getting tired and burnt out. I want a quieter life today. I've been through the party scene. You get older and your life changes. Things that matter to you when you're 20 don't matter so much when you're approaching 40," she tells the mag.
If that isn't bad enough, she also drops a wonderful quote about how all these scandals have made her a better person. "Everyone knows what I've gone through. I'm human, I make mistakes but I've come clean on them all. I don't deny them. I've taken the heat and felt highly embarrassed by a lot of them. I'm not proud of the things I've done and the incidents that have happened in my life, and I would never say I was. But I did something about it. I'm not above learning lessons," she says.
Ok, let's break this down. If she's coming clean on these scandals, why did someone pay the driver to recant his story? If she's "not above learning lessons," why does her history of assault against people in her employ continue? Sorry, Naomi, the apologetic interviews and charity work are only going to get you so far. If you really want to improve your reputation you might have to, you know, quit assaulting people!