The Way We Live Now: Treadin' on a treadmill made of sand. Since we're ex-cons and can't get jobs we got foreclosed on and moved from the shelter into mom's place, but we're still to poor to get divorced. MEH.

Allow us to just lay out, for the benefit of future anthropologists, the lifestyle of the average American today, based on up-to-the-minute news reports from our nation's finest surviving news organs.

Other than that, things are cool.

[Also the aforementioned "treadmill" is just a metaphor, and the metaphorical grains of sand on this poetic "treadmill" are metaphors made out of ex-cons, unemployment, foreclosure, homelessness, broken families, and divorce—a "sand castle," if you will, of recession-era miseries, metaphorically making it harder for you to job effectively.]