Which Tech Tycoons Hate the Health Care Bill?

Kate Boehret could run your conference better; Max Levchin could do your "health care reform" better; and Jamie Poniewozik can do your paranoia better. The Twitterati were one up, even when they were down.

Productive member of a healthily-functioning society Paris Hilton couldn't t wait to see which of her literally millions of animals survived her vacation and which ones just cold died in the closet or whatever. Related: Paris Hilton is somehow still allowed to own actual living creatures.

The Wall Street Journal's Katie Boehret, aka "Mini Mossberg," burned VentureBeat's Matt Marshall for a flaw in the Demo conference. Should Boehret have disclosed that she herself helps operate the Journal's rival D event in a presumably superior fashion, or was that too obvious? Discuss.

Venture capitalist and hyperaggressive tweeter Keith Rabois was not happy about paying for your health insurance premiums, ObamaCare recipients.

Rabois' Slide colleague Max Levchin shared his antipathy toward the health care reform bill, and raised him one "WTF is up with kids and their 'Twitter' thing these days?"

Time's Jamie Poniewozik didn't just watch Glenn Beck's show, he felt it.
Did you witness the media elite tweet something indiscreet? Please email us your favorite tweets - or send us more Twitter usernames.