Susan Sarandon's Ping-Pong Boy Pitches Ping-Pong Reality Show

Susan Sarandon's (rumored!) boytoy and (actual!) business partner, Jonathan Bricklin, is shopping around a reality TV show based around SPiN, the weird upscale ping pong club the two are partners in along with the prince of Madagascar.
The Observer has the dirt on what could be the American Idol of the globe-trotting ping-pong entrepreneur set. (Incidentally, one of the best parts about posting on Jonathan Bricklin is the opportunity to use the phrase "ping-pong entrepreneur.") The show will be pitched to networks like MTV or HBO and will focus on SPiN and the "comical drama and the real-life personalities behind this funny world." (And also saving Haiti via ping-pong-playing supermodels.) As for Sarandon's involvement: "Susan will be on the show occasionally, and she's willing to narrate the show."
The Observer asked Bricklin about his and Sarandon's rumored relationship and hints that Bricklin doth protest too much:
...he denied this but in a rather lengthy answer: 'She's here all the time and she's actually going to all the meetings with us all the time. She's really enjoying the entrepreneurial side of business and truly has become one of our partners. She's amazing and I'm so lucky to be her business partner. We have a great relationship. I've gone on trips with her to meet with Ping-Pong players, and she has been extremely generous with her time. She's one of my closest friends now. But as far as a romantic relationship, we are not having one. I'm flattered people think that we might be.'
It's good that Bricklin's rambling is suspicious because, let's be honest: The only way this show can work is if it's about Susan Sarandon and her 31 year-old Ping-Pong geek boyfriend, overcoming their differences and learning to love again while the trials of running a successful upscale ping-pong club complicate their love. Maybe Tim Robbins and Bricklin get in a fight in one episode? Who cares if it's not true. With skillful editing, it can be done.