Everything You Need to Know About Gawker.TV

Do you have burning questions about Gawker.TV? Are you new to the site? Want to see your work on Gawker.TV? Ever wonder how you can also share TV clips with your friends? All of these answers, inside.

Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Commenting
What does it mean to have a star? How do I login? Is there a way to upload images and YouTube videos directly in the post? Read this post to learn all the tips and tricks.

How to Join the TV Party
Do you watch TV while you're surfing the internet, too? Watch your shows along with us in #tvparty! It's a place to share your opinions on whatever you're watching and connect with others that may just be thinking the same thing that you are about that episode of Cougar Town.

How to Watch TV and Share TV Without a TV
Ever wonder how we find, record, and upload clips from TV to our site? This step-by-step instructional guide will teach you the ins and outs of watching TV on your computer.

TiVo Users: Subscribe to All of Gawker.TV's Favorite Shows in an Instant
With one simple click of your TiVo remote, you can instantly subscribe to all of Gawker.TV's must-see television shows. From late-night antics to our favorite sitcoms, you'll stay informed on everything we'll be talking about the next day online.

Want to See Your Work in Gawker.TV?
Are you passionate about TV, movies, or online video? Then we want to hear from you. We're accepting your pitches and ideas—as well as blog posts that you've written elsewhere for syndication. What's syndication? Read all about it here.

Sign up for the Gawker.TV Newsletter
Did you know that you can keep up with Gawker.TV with our awesomely informative newsletter? Delivered daily via email, it includes nightly TV listings, late-night talk show guests, and our list of must-see videos of the day. Click here to subscribe!

Searching for New Gawker Media Video Interns
Do your current obsessions include television, pop-culture, viral video, or social media? Then we want you to be a Gawker Media Video intern. Click here and find out how to join the fun!

Follow Your Gawker.TV Editors on Facebook
Sure, you knew you could follow Gawker.TV on facebook, but did you know each of our editors have their own pages now, too? Inside, we break down who you should follow and why!