Marchetto is the resident cartoonist at Glamour and the author of the 2006 graphic novel Cancer Vixen. She's married to Silvano Marchetto, the owner of West Village Italian eatery Da Silvano.

Jersey native Marchetto attended Pratt and SVA before entering the advertising field where she thought she'd be a better fit. She channeled her underutilized creative energies into a comic strip with the alter-ego "She" and left her career in advertising behind after she published her first book Just Who the Hell Is She, Anyway? The Autobiography of She in 1994. After becoming a cartoonist for Glamour, the New York Times, and the New Yorker, she made her biggest splash with her graphic novel Cancer Vixen: A True Story, based on her true-life battle with breast cancer. A smash success, Marchetto has donated a portion of the proceeds to make uninsured women have access to mammograms.[Image via Getty]