Between the blow and the internet, he spends all his time in a trailer alone. This star is trying to help a parent out of addiction. This last actress is only addicted to vanity, a difficult vice to kick.

1. "This A list television actor held up production on the set of his show for six hours last week while he surfed the internet and did lines of coke. Apparently he was all alone. He told everyone that he wasn't ready and they would just have to wait until he was. After six hours he emerged looking haggard but didn't bother apologizing to anyone for keeping them waiting." [CDaN]

2. "This recently popular star is having trouble balancing their blossoming career as well as their personal life. It seems the celeb has a parent who is struggling with addiction. The star has cleaned up after them for years- paying off dealers, flushing the drugs and providing a home and food, always hoping that the parent will get clean. The parent has made empty promises for years and just last night the star found drugs in her home. The pressure is starting to get to her and although she doesn't want to kick her parent out she knows she can't live like this much longer. Not Zoe Saldana." [BuzzFoto]

3. "This award-winning actress isn't getting offered as many good parts as she would like. She's always been a healthy person, and has always had a great figure, but she's begun to alleviate her stress by eating. Now we won't go so far as to say that she has been binge eating or that she has gained a lot of weight. However, she has gone up a size or two. The numbers on her clothing are such a source of aggravation now that she recently had her assistant remove the size tags from every single piece of clothing. Then she had the assistant sew in new size labels marked with a smaller size. As she has a large wardrobe, this particular task took several days. By the way, she has hired a personal trainer and stepped up the exercise, but she will definitely be avoiding photographers until she is back down to her fighting weight." [Blind Gossip]