Click to viewOn Larry King Live last night, professional overzealous defender of the Catholic Church Bill Donohue explained to Sinead O'Connor that it's not pedophilia if the victim is 12 or 13.

See, if the kids were post-pubescent—12 or 13, according to Bill—then it's not pedophilia anymore, it is homosexuality. And that means it's not the fault of the church, it is the fault of Gays.

(Sinead was there because she wrote a very good editorial about abuses in Ireland that the Vatican was complicit in. It ran in the Washington Post even though O'Connor never once wrote a speech for George W. Bush.)

I wish we could go back in time and have the 1990 cast of Saturday Night Live reenact this video. (Also while we are using this time machine we could maybe stop all those priests who kept molesting children.)