Last week's episode of Breaking Bad was like the rush hour L-Train. Waaay too crowded at the rear. While watching Walt freak out on a cop was fun, the show waited until the last ten minutes for jaw dropping moments.

But you've gotta give the writers credit for bringing back not just Saul, but characters you'd thought had disappeared into guest-appearance-limbo, like Jesse's parents or Tuco's bell-ringing, bowel-moving uncle.

In terms of action: Jesse bought (swindled?) his family home, Walt broke into his family home, and Uncle Tuco Ouija-boarded "Walter White" for the Latino Matrix Twins. But before the duo could axe Walt into kingdom come, a text message lights up their inexplicably cheap phone—"pollos." Oh hi, Gus! I didn't realize you'd be in this episode.

Questions: what's Gus' connection to the Twinsies? Will Jesse's revelation that he's the "bad guy" make him a less-crappy criminal? Will Walt's pursuit of Skyler earn him another eyeful of Mace? Let's hope those explosions in the previews start detonating earlier than 10:50pm this week.

The show airs tonight at 10 PM EST on AMC.

Mary Shyne is a recent NYU grad with a BA in English, which is to say I live in Brooklyn and eat a lot of canned food from Associated. You can read her blog here.