Addicted's Kristina Wandzilak, whose recovery philosophy leaves no room for tears or feelings, tackled another desperate case last night. Kevin, diabetic since childhood, spent the last five years drinking vodka by the gallon, passing out shaking and waking up puking.

Flagrantly dismissing the danger of his lifestyle, Kevin spends his life in a horrible drunken man-cave, where puke pots and empty Smirnoff bottles detail the the depths of his despair. Smoking weed to quell his alcohol induced nausea and dismissively injecting himself with insulin when his readings reach frightening levels. So what that the threat of death increases with every swig he takes. Who cares?!

Kristina does, that's who! In her own cold, matter-of-fact way, Kristina is Kevin's last hope. After Kevin is rushed to the hospital and diagnosed with cirrhosis of the liver, Kristina brings the family together to do what she does best: swear! Ensuring she won't "blow smoke up his ass" or any of that bullshit, Kristina gains her charge's trust, entering him into a four month treatment program. The two have a rocky relationship—Kevin is suspicious of outside help, and Kristina is, well, kind of a bitch—but somehow Kevin comes out alright. Reflecting on his life, he knows he is still lost, but that he won't find himself at the bottom of a room temperature shot of firewater.