to Screen Classified U.S. Air Strike Video Monday
If the U.S. is in fact spying on the secret-sharing website, it is related to their possession of a classified video of a U.S. air strike in Afghanistan. They will screen this video Monday. What will it show?
They have mentioned it before, but Wikileaks again promoted their upcoming press conference on Twitter tonight:

The video is classified military footage of a May 7, 2009 air strike which may have killed as many as 97 civilians in Afghanistan. Initially, the Pentagon planned to release the video last year, but backtracked. Wikileaks claims to have obtained a copy and decrypted it. Gen. David Petraeus has said the video proves "the targets of these different strikes were the Taliban." But Wikileaks claims the video will reveal a "Pentagon murder-coverup."
Whatever it shows, Wikileaks believes it's big enough that the U.S. government has been colluding with Icelandic authorities in an aggressive surveillance program designed to intimidate them. This is definitely possible, but it doesn't necessarily mean the video contains anything scandalous. A CENTCOM spokesperson told Wired's Dangeroom that the video could not be released because it
showed elements of our operation that if the enemy were able to view it, it could be easily be used to understand our TTPs [tactics, techniques, procedures], and then to adjust their TTPs, placing ground forces and civilians in jeopardy.
Now it appears that the video will come out whether it jeopardizes military TTPs or not. See you Monday at the National Press Club in D.C.!