Mike Turber claims to hold the world record for flinging stacks of quarters off your elbow and catching them. Yesterday, he tried for a new record. After he carefully balanced 70 quarters on his elbow and prepared to catch them...

...the ground below Mike Turber was rattled by yesterday's magnitude 7.2 earthquake.

Forget Easter. Here is real a miracle: That out of anything anyone could be doing at the moment of the earthquake—3:30 p.m., Pacific Standard Time—someone had a stack of quarters precariously balanced on their elbow for a dramatic world record attempt; that out of any moment in all of history, Mike Turber chose that exact moment on April 5th for his world record quarter-catching attempt.

Clearly, this quarter-catching record must never be broken. You have angered the Gods with your quarter-catching hubris, Mike Turber. Let the record stand, Mike Turber. For the sake of all northern Mexico and southern California, let it stand.

Update: After watching the video three times, we began to have doubts about its veracity. It just seemed too good to be true! For example: Why was the camera not shaking? And Turber seemed suspiciously eager to be contacted about the video, which he uploaded to CNN via its iReport site: He put his phone number on the post, and wrote "You can call anytime at all."

So we called up Mike Turber at his house in Rancho Cucamonga, California, where he is an importer of parts for various motorsports. He said it was legit, and that this most recent attempt was planned after his previous world record was broken a few months ago by a guy at a radio station. (Turber's previous record was 46; the guy did 48.) Why did he choose today? "It was luck." Turber has been an avid quarter catcher since he was 11, but said he was slow to fully embrace his talent, there being a dearth of other quarter-catchers to compare himself to: "I just thought it's maybe a talent. Maybe I can win some free beers."

But now he is serious about breaking these world records on film and showing them to all the Internet. Turber says the attempt in the video was his 3rd of the day, and he began filming at a little before 3:30pm as his girlfriend, Stephanie Bailey, and his dog, Reno, looked on. (The earthquake struck at 3:30.) As for why his camera wasn't shaking:

The tripod was attached to my pool table, and I have a heavy video tripod. It's made of heavy material; it's not one of those cheap tripods that you see. The tripod is attached to the heavy pool table, that is on the house—so that's why it's not shaking.

About 15 minutes before we spoke to him, a CNN producer called Turber and told him they were planning on showing the video during Robin Meade's Good Morning America. Turber said they were not suspicious at all. He also said that after the earthquake he continued his world record attempt and managed to catch 58 quarters. A new world record! He will be uploading this video to his Youtube account, where an earlier, lesser world record is already documented. (46.)

Turber's time-line adds up with the quake; CNN is convinced; and a survey of other quake videos shows that the camera doesn't necessarily shake. (See the security footage from this Mashable round-up.) Mike Turber could very well be the real deal!
