At last, the trailer for the upcoming Angelina Jolie thriller Salt is out. Excitement for the movie is mostly based on the fact that it also features Philly fameball Arthur Kade, who didn't think Angelina was all that, btw.

The Trailer for the movie I filmed and was featured in with Angie Jolie called "Salt" is out, and for all Kade Nation Fans from last year, they will remember that The Brand filmed in one of the most pivotal scenes in the movie, and stood next to Jolie (I should probably have someone from Team Kade contact the production company and see if it's needed for me to come to the premiere with the other stars since I am now a rising celeb and growing Brand name), and gave her a sub par "Mother Hot" 8.5 (Although she has been steadily trending downward since, and in the latest pics that I have seen of her she may have moved all the way down to a tired looking 8.25), and all I kept telling Mama Kade last night was, "I can't wait to see how many times I show up in the movie. I wonder if now that I have millions of Gen Poppers around the world who know who I am, will it make a HUGE difference for how much money the movie makes? I could even see a scenario where the movie does above expectations, and the producers realize "The Kade Effect", and decide to maybe even cast me as a principal in one of their upcoming projects to up revenue" Seeing this trailer reminded The Brand how much it makes him happy to see that something her put so much in time and effort into is finally coming into fruition, and more importantly reminded him that even though he has a bright future in the TV world, he can't stop grinding away at the road to Lil' Oscar.

Which part of Arthur's performance did you enjoy most? Debate in the comments!