Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

One of the most famous (living) members of the Kennedy clan, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is an environmental attorney and activist as well as a potential political candidate.
The third of 11 children born to Ethel Skakel Kennedy and Senator Robert F. Kennedy, Bobby Jr. was just 14 years old when his dad was assassinated. He went on to Harvard and the University of Virginia Law School before following Kennedy family tradition and ending up at the center of scandal. In 1983, he was arrested for heroin possession after he passed out with a needle in his arm in a South Dakota airport bathroom. Entering a drug treatment program, he later pleaded guilty to possessing two-tenths of a gram of the drug and was sentenced to 800 hours of community service. He opted to put his time working at an environmental law center called Riverkeeper; when he was done with his court-mandated community service, the group appointed him its chief prosecuting attorney. Kennedy has been involved with the organization ever since, and has become one of the most prominent environmental activists over the past two decades. In addition to Riverkeeper, he serves as senior attorney for the Frances Beinecke-led Natural Resources Defense Council, and he oversees Pace Law School's Environmental Litigation Clinic.
In 2004, he published Crimes Against Nature: How George W. Bush and His Corporate Pals Are Plundering the Country and Hijacking Our Democracy, and vocally campaigned against Bush. A year later, it was rumored that he would throw his own hat into the ring and run for attorney general, but decided against challenging Andrew Cuomo, and in 2008 he was one of the many rumored candidates for Hillary Clinton's New York Senate seat. These days, though, in addition to the various environmental causes he's associated with, he's content to stay away from holding office and host a lefty radio show, Ring of Fire, on Air America.
In March 1994, Kennedy caused a sensation when he divorced his first wife, Emily Ruth Black, with whom he had two children, and married Mary Richardson less than a month later. Kennedy and Richardson have since had four kids together. [Image via Getty]