The third wife of financier Henry Kravis, Marie-Josée is a Canadian-born economist, political activist and philanthropist.

Marie-Josée Drouin was a young star economist in her native Canada in the 1970s and '80s, making her name as head of the Canadian branch of conservative think tank the Hudson Institute. A glamorous figure on the political social scene, by the latter part of the '80s she was a columnist for the Financial Post, a confidante to some of Canada's most powerful corporate chieftains and politicos, and a board member at several of Canada's biggest companies. Since moving to New York when she married Kravis in the early 90s, she's become a lofty figure on the New York political and philanthropic scene, serving on the boards of several companies, working with the Hudson Institute as a senior fellow, and lavishing millions of her husband's dollars on various causes.

Marie-Josée sits on the board of—and donates money to—a number of organizations around town. She's the president of the board of the Museum of Modern Art, sits on the board Memorial Sloan-Kettering and the hedge fund-heavy Robin Hood Foundation, and the couple has also handed over millions to the Metropolitan Museum and Lincoln Center. Marie-Josée makes major political donations, too. A longtime conservative, she funds a variety of right-wing political causes, donates substantially to the RNC, and has given generously to the presidential campaigns of George Bush and John McCain. [Image via Getty]